The fine dining restaurant at the 5-star Hôtel Royal***** Palace in Evian, a Michelin-starred establishment since 2018 and also holder of 3 macarons from Ecotable, showcases its exquisitely refined cuisine. 

Open evenings only, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 7.30 p.m. 
Last orders taken at 9.30 p.m.
Closed on Sunday and Monday


Michelin-star cuisine


At the heart of the 5-star Hôtel Royal, the dining room of Les Fresques affords a breathtaking view of Lake Geneva. The panoramic views from the terrace and magnificent frescoes by Gustave Jaulmes that adorn the ceiling beckon you for new culinary experiences.

Chef Patrice Vander, who has held a Michelin star since 2018, and his team serve creative, elegant cuisine made using outstanding ingredients. Inspiring creations, just waiting to be tasted and delight your palate.


Discover the wine list
View the allergen list


Appropriate dress required: shorts, cropped trousers and flip flops are not allowed.
Please note that dogs are only allowed on the terrace.
Femme lisant la carte du restaurant étoilé Les Fresques à l'Hôtel Royal Evian
entrée du restaurant les fresques escargots gris de chevenoz hôtel royal evian

Grey snails from Chevenoz

plat du restaurant les fresques le bar sauvage à l'hôte royal evian

Wild sea bass

Le chef Patrice Vander et sa brigade dans les cuisines de l'hôtel royal evian

Chef Patrice Vander

Plat de boeuf d'abondance et ses légumes racines à la carte du restaurant les Fresques à l'hôtel royal evian

Fillet of beef from Abondance

Dessert les noix de grenoble à la carte du restaurant les fresques à l'hôtel royal evian

Walnuts of Grenoble

table en terrasse du restaurant les fresques face au lac léman, à l'hôtel royal evian

Terrace dinner overlooking Lake Geneva

The Hot Drinks Ritual


At a 5-star Palace hotel, the details are what brings perfection and perfection is more than just a detail. The hot drinks ritual at the Michelin-starred restaurant Les Fresques is an unmissable experience.  

Discover the rich and fascinating world of tea with a selection of rare teas and a wide array of natural aromatic herbal infusions from the Royal’s kitchen garden.  Every detail has been carefully considered, from the infusion time to the choice of teapot, not forgetting the tasting tray, making use of an infuser and an hourglass timer. 

A ritual specially designed for Les Fresques, created in collaboration with Carine Baudry, flavour specialist and tasting expert. 


rituel des boissons chaudes, thés et infusions du potager au restaurant les fresques evian
Détail du plafond du restaurant les Fresques avec les peintures de Jaulmes Plat signature filets de perche de Patrice Vander à l'hôtel royal evian Couplke dinant au restaurant les fresques à l'hôtel royal evian Terrasse de l'hôtel Royal avec vue sur le lac Léman et lausanne salle du restaurant les fresques hotel royal evian Plat signature du chef Patrice Vander au restaurant les fresques evian
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