A spa with an exclusive concept at a Palace hotel


The Hôtel Royal and its spa offers you aquatic areas with two heated swimming pools, one indoor and the other outdoor. 

Outdoor pool: every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Sauna, steam room, hot tub, cold tub, snow room: every day, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Weight training and fitness room: every day, 7 a.m. to 11 .m.

The treatment rooms are available by appointment every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.


All treatments and rituals are available to non-residents. The indoor and outdoor pools are reserved for hotel residents. 

Children can you the indoor pool aside from during a daily “quiet time” for adults, from midday to 4 p.m

vue depuis la piscine extérieur avec le lac léman en prolongement



We invite you to discover the snow room, a place where snow is produced, along with the cold plunge tub, a cold water pool. These areas are located near the sauna and steam for a Nordic ritual experience. Alternating hot and cold is known to offer a host of benefits for the body. The heat aids rest and relaxation while the cold promotes good circulation and the elimination of toxins. 

hammam de l'evian spa

Steam room

mannequin à l'intérieur du sauna de l'evian spa


photo de bain à remous avec la vue sur le lac léman et lausanne

Hot Tub

piscine intérieur de l'evian spa avec chaises longues

Indoor pool

snow room dans l'evian spa

Snow room

mannequin près de la piscine extérieur à débordement, vue lac léman

Outdoor pool

mannequin entrant dans le bain froid à l'evian spa

Cold tub

cabine de soin duo evian spa

Duo treatment rooms

cabine de soin seul à l'evian spa

Treatment rooms

Weight-training and fitness room

The Hôtel Royal's fully equipped gym is available for your use.  

Hotel residents have unsupervised access from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., with equipment so you can maintain and improve your cardio.

A personal training service* is available on request. Activities include TRX/kinesis, elastic bands, swissball, pilates and prenatal pilates as well as yoga classes.  The Hôtel Royal’s sports coaches can also provide swimming lessons for children or an introduction to water, aquagym classes or paddle yoga in the pool.  


*An additional charge applies for this service

salle de fitness et de musculation avec mannequins qui font du sport

Changing rooms


Changing rooms are available where you can store your personal belongings during your activities. evian®SPA cannot be held liable in the event of theft of or damage to your personal belongings.

We advise you to arrive at the spa reception 15 minutes prior to the start of your treatment to make the most of the experience. If you are a hotel resident, we suggest that you use the designated spa lift, wearing the bathrobe provided in your room, along with underwear or swimwear.

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